Reconnected: Turning old phones into new starts
January 31, 2017

Although most of us are phone addicts who swipe endlessly between our apps, the sad truth is that the digital world is something that many can’t access, whether that’s through lack of funds or experience.
We know that there are people in desperate need of technology that will help them feel connected to the people they love, enable them to professionally learn and grow, or just perform the simple life admin that could help keep a roof over their head.
We’re proud to be the first network to help you donate your old devices to people who really need them, which is why we’re extending our pilot Reconnected scheme to YOU, our lovely customers.
For those who aren’t familiar, the Reconnected initiative is an innovative approach to recycling devices that aims to help disadvantaged people, who currently don’t have access to a phone to get connected.
Last year we tested this internally with our staff and device suppliers and received so many phones and so much enthusiasm that we just had to broaden our reach 🙂
We have partnered with some amazing community projects, who will take our donated handsets and ensure they go to the people who need them most. We’ll put them on our network, with three months of calls, texts and data completely free, and encourage them to visit us in store, or our Discovery centres, for more information and support. They’ll also receive a guidance pack that helps them make the most out of their mobiles.
A few of the charities we work with include:
Business in the Community
An amazing organisation which strives for a fair society and a sustainable future. Its ‘Ready for Work’ programme aims to support some of the most disadvantaged people who are struggling to gain employment. It has helped thousands of people since the initiative was launched in 2001, tackling major challenges to basic employment, such as homelessness, criminal records and no education. As well as the amazing training, support and experiences participants receive, we hope we can make things easier by adding some phones into the mix!
Hyde Group
You might have heard of Hyde
The Good Things Foundation
A really perfect partner for the Reconnected initiative, this amazing charity finds digitally and socially excluded people and aims to improve their quality of life over a diverse and wide-ranging number of topics, including careers advice, digital skills, training, financial support, mental health issues and education. We’ll be providing phones via online centres across the UK.
So, how do you get involved, you ask? It’s easy.
Just head to your local Three store and request a Reconnected pack – it’s a little sleeve/envelope that allows you to send your device to us for free. If it’s not appropriate for donation due to being broken or damaged, we’ll just make sure it’s safely recycled.
Help us grow this initiative and consider donating that drawer full of old phones to someone who might really need it. We’re counting on you!
Find your nearest Three store.
Main pic: Via Three