How to buy

Depending on what type of customer you are, there are different options for you when you’re ready to buy. Just remember that you have to be the account holder to make any Three Business purchase. Here’s a quick guide to our processes.

When did you join Three Business?

Before 7 Feb 2022.

Nothing’s changed. To add a line or upgrade, call us on 337, Chat to us online or visit a Three store.

On or after 7 Feb 2022.

You can register for an online account and buy up to 10 lines online.

If you’ve added 11 lines or more at one time, call 337, Chat to us online or visit a Three store to add a line or upgrade.

Looking for more than 1 line?

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Browse online.

Discover our latest offers, devices and plans.

2. Get in touch.

Fill in our call back form, and we’ll give you a ring back.

3. We'll call you.

One of our team will call you back to complete your purchase.

Frequently asked questions.