Using your phone abroad

Roaming in Enterprise Go Roam destinations will be included in your UK allowance on Enterprise SIM Only and Enterprise Adapt plans.

So your calls, texts and data will work the same while you’re roaming in selected European destinations as they do in the UK.

  • There’s no daily fee to unlock your UK allowance in 51 Enterprise Go Roam in Europe destinations. A daily fee only applies for Enterprise Go Roam Around The World.
  • Our Enterprise Go Roam Around the World covers 40 destinations, subject to payment of a fixed daily roaming charge.
  • For any destinations outside these two zones, see our best value roaming options below to keep your business connected wherever you are.

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Enterprise Go Roam in Europe

No daily charge for roaming in Enterprise Go Roam in Europe destinations.

You can use your data, minutes and texts in any of our 51 Enterprise Go Roam in Europe destinations just like you do in the UK, subject to our fair usage limits.

You can make and receive calls and texts while in Enterprise Go Roam in Europe destinations back to the UK, and to any other destination in Enterprise Go Roam in Europe. You can use your data, texts and minutes up to a fair usage limit in any Enterprise Go Roam in Europe destination. Allowances may be dependent on the type of plan you have.

What’s not included

Making international calls or sending texts from the UK to other destinations (including the countries in Enterprise Go Roam in Europe). Making calls or sending texts to premium rate numbers and other non-geographic numbers. Making calls or sending texts from within Enterprise Go Roam in Europe to countries outside of Enterprise Go Roam in Europe (excluding the UK). For Three's fair use policy, please see the Enterprise Price Guide .

Enterprise Go Roam Around the World

Fixed £5 daily charge per SIM (includes VAT where applicable).

You can use your data, minutes and texts in any of our 40 Enterprise Go Roam Around the World destinations as in the UK, subject to a fair usage limit.

You can make calls and send texts while in Enterprise Go Roam Around the World destinations back to the UK. You can use your data, texts and minutes up to a fair usage limit in any Enterprise Go Roam Around the World destination. Allowances may be dependent on the type of plan you have.

What’s not included

Making international calls or sending texts from the UK to other destinations (including the countries in Enterprise Go Roam in Europe). Making calls or sending texts to premium rate numbers and other non-geographic numbers. Making calls or sending texts from within Enterprise Go Roam in Europe to countries outside of Enterprise Go Roam in Europe (excluding the UK). For Three's fair use policy, please see the Enterprise Price Guide .

Roaming outside of Enterprise Go Roam in Europe and Enterprise Go Roam Around the World destinations

Bundle allowances for roaming in Enterprise Zones 1 & 2


If you’re roaming in Enterprise Zones 1 or 2, there are 2 Add-ons to support your data and minutes.

Traveller Add-ons: Available for data

You’ll be able to opt in once to a bundle of your choice before you travel, which becomes available as soon as you land in your chosen Zone 1 or Zone 2 destination. This Add-on expires at midnight.

Standard Add-ons: Available for data and minutes

You’ll be able to buy these Add-ons when you’re in your Zone 1 or Zone 2 destination. Daily, weekly, and monthly Add-ons are available.

Example Add-ons & prices for Enterprise Zones 1 & 2 (includes VAT where applicable)

Zone 1

Traveller 500MB


per day

Zone 1

Traveller 1GB


per day

Zone 2

Traveller 100MB


per day

Zone 2

Traveller 200MB


per day

International calling and texting rates

If you’re in the UK and need to call or text anywhere else in the world, the following rates will apply (excluding VAT):

All MMS messages cost 54p. All prices exclude VAT.

Need more minutes and texts?

Choose one of our International calling and texting bundles. You could get 100 minutes and 100 texts, or unlimited minutes and texts, covering 55 destinations. For costs, see our Business Price Guide.

Roaming Data Passport

If you need additional data, our Data Passport covers 89 destinations across the world, in addition to the UK. You can choose an Add-on whenever you need to for unlimited access to data for 1 day, 7 days or 30 days, depending on what you need. For more information, see our Business Price Guide.

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