Leaving Three Business

We’ll make it easy for you

We’d love you to stay with us, but understand the importance of making the process of leaving as straightforward as possible for you. Everything can be completed with a text (to switch providers), online, or on the phone, and we'll always be up front about any remaining charges, and your outstanding balance.

If you're the account holder, you can get a PAC or STAC via your online account. If you're not the account holder, you'll need them to complete the leaving process.

Leaving Three Business, with or without your number

If you want to take your number with you, we can help. You’ll need a PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) for your new provider when you switch networks. You can also leave without taking your number with you, with a STAC (Service Termination Authorisation Code).

You can get your PAC or STAC in a couple of different ways, including via your online account. Alternatively, you can get a code free via text - see the FAQs below on what you need to do.

You must be the account holder to complete the leaving process.

Switch via text

Account owners can text 'PAC' followed by their date of birth (DDMMYY) to 65075, or 'STAC’ followed by their date of birth (DDMMYY) to 75075. The date of birth must be the account owner's.

You can also get general information by texting 'INFO' and your date of birth (DDMMYY) to 85075. Once we've received your request, we'll get back to you within 2 working days with timescales, and more information on your switch.

Alternatively, contact us and we’ll process your switch over the phone for you.

Leaving Three Business without a new provider

We can help with this too. You'll need to contact us . You can then settle any outstanding charges and balances, or cancel your number.

Frequently asked questions

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