Account and device security

You are responsible for the security of your device and must make sure that you keep it secure. You are also responsible for ensuring the safety and security of any passwords or PINs relating to your Three account and Three Services.

To prevent unauthorised access to your device, Three app and Three account, you must keep any passwords and PINs relating to your device, the app, and Three account safe and secure. You must not share your passwords or PINs with anyone.

If you find or suspect that someone else knows your passwords or PINs relating to the Three app or your Three account, or can guess them, you must contact us immediately to change them. If you suspect someone knows or could guess any password or PIN used to access your device, you should change it using your device settings.

If you suspect that someone has access to your Three app or Three account without your permission, contact us immediately.

This is your responsibility.

You can find information and guidance on keeping your device and account secure, and guidance on staying safe online in our Safety Portal.

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