About Cookies

What are cookies? 

A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your computer, mobile phone, or tablet (your device) when you visit a website. They are stored on your device and have a variety of uses, from understanding how a website is used by those who visit, to enhancing user experience through remembering certain preferences and settings chosen by the user. It’s important to understand that cookies can’t harm your device.

Some cookies used on a website will be necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the website, but there may also be other cookies that are only deployed based on your preferences. 

Most web browsers have cookies enabled. However, if you wish to turn off all cookies (including those that are essential for the functioning of a website), you can do this in your browser setting. To find out more about how to do this, please visit aboutcookies.org (although please note, we can’t be responsible for the content of external websites). If you choose to disable all cookies you may not be able to enjoy all features on a website.

Cookies on our website 

There are different types of cookie that we may create when visiting three.co.uk, which you can find out more about in our Cookie Policy. Some of these are essential, which means they are required for the website to work properly and therefore will be sent to your device. They cannot be opted out of, without disabling all cookies through your browser. 

We use cookies to keep track of what you have in your basket, and to remember you so that we can show relevant information when you return to our site. We can also use these cookies to track, monitor, and optimise our website’s functionality and performance. 

All cookies we use, other than those that are essential, are based on your consent, which can be managed at any time through cookie preferences.

We don’t store personal information such as credit card details in the cookies we create from our website. However, we do use encrypted information gathered from cookies to help improve your experience on three.co.uk. For example, they help us to identify and customise your experience, or can be used to determine the most relevant related products to show you when browsing.  

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