Connected Communities
A big network making a big difference
We’re connecting youth clubs across the UK to our 5G network by offering the chance to benefit from a fantastic package of up to 10 tablets, network connectivity for two years and a digital discovery learning session led by our technical experts, all at no cost. We want to open up access to exciting opportunities, skills and learnings, for those who need them most.
What is Connected Communities?
Launched as a pilot initiative in 2022, Connected Communities is about bridging the digital divide - providing brilliant young people across the country with the tools they need to succeed - empowering them and their everyday, through the power of our network.
So far, we’ve teamed up with three youth clubs across Leeds and Birmingham, and we’re now on the lookout for more.
Want to get involved?
We would love to extend this offer to other regions in the UK who enjoy 5G network coverage from Three, so we now want to hear from you about youth clubs in Hull, Liverpool and Manchester that you think would significantly benefit from this package from Three.
Nominate your local youth club!
If you know of a youth club in Hull, Liverpool or Manchester who could use this support, you can nominate them using this form:
Nominations for Hull will close on 20 May and for Liverpool and Manchester will close on 20 June. Two youth clubs from each region will then be randomly picked to receive a visit from the Three Tech Team at a mutually convenient time. The Three Tech Team will test the 5G signal coverage on the premises and if found to be suitable, the youth club will be offered this amazing package. For more information and full terms and conditions, see here:
Why choose Three?
Based on analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data for Q3-Q4 2024. Ookla trademarks used under license and reprinted with permission.