About eBills

An eBill is a free electronic version of your bill. Sometimes it’s called paperless billing, but we call them eBills. If you're a Three Business customer, you won't receive eBills. Call us free on 337 from your Three phone for full details on your bill.

When your latest bill is ready, we'll send you a text to let you know. Then all you have to do is log in to your secure account to view it. If you connect to Mobile Broadband using mobile Wi-Fi, or have a tablet such as an iPad, we'll email you to let you know when your bill's ready.

If you’d like to request your Device plan statement, please get in touch and we’ll help you out.

Changing to eBills

You can switch to eBills by visiting your Three account.

Viewing older bills

You can see your bills from the last 12 months in your account on your phone. To go back further, you can view, download and print PDF copies of your bills from the last 12 months. Just log into your account to view them.

To view PDFs you'll just need to make sure you have Adobe Reader  installed on your computer.

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