Understanding data and allowances

Update for iOS users

Accessing zero-rated websites will use your data allowance if you're using iCloud Private Relay.

Data makes the world go round, which is why we've got plenty of it. All our Pay Monthly plans come with allowances ranging from 2GB to Unlimited. Plus, you can get great data Add-ons for Pay As You Go. We've got all the info you need to make sure you've got the right amount of data.


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Checking how much data you've used

To track the amount of data you're using, just download the Three app. The usage tab shows your data allowance and how much you've used.

You can also check how much data you've used by logging in to your My3 account.

Using data abroad

If you're using your data abroad, you'll be charged for usage regardless of your remaining allowance, unless you're in a Go Roam destination. You can control this by turning off your data roaming. Find out more about data roaming and Go Roam.

If you have specific questions about your data use, just Contact Us and we'll be happy to help.

Out of allowance charges

Check our data charges for information on what you'll be charged if you use more than your allotted allowance.

Left over allowance

Your allowance automatically resets at the end of each month. Any data you haven't used won’t be carried over.

What happens if I run out of data?

If you've used up all your allowance, you can still use the internet, but you'll be charged for every megabyte you use. This will depend on which plan you're on. We'll send you text messages when you've used up 80% and 100% of your data, so you shouldn't run out unexpectedly.

Increasing your data allowance

You can increase your data allowance in a few ways:

  1. Buying an Add-on
    Add-ons are bundles of minutes, texts and data that can tide you over if you’re running low. Add-ons are great buffers for when you've used more data than usual, and they expire when your monthly allowance is refreshed. Find out more about buying Add-ons.
  2. Changing your price plan
    If you're maxing out your allowance every month, why not look at changing your price plan? It's easy to do and there's no extra commitment. And you can do it on the Three app, or by logging into My3.

Note: You can't move to a cheaper price plan during your minimum contract period.

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