Roaming abroad on Pay As You Go
Looking to use your Pay As You Go device abroad? From getting set up, to roaming allowances and how much it costs to use your phone abroad – here’s everything you need to know.
Before you travel
Check your data roaming settings
With data roaming switched off, you can still make calls and send texts.
Use your Pay As You Go SIM in the UK
To use your device abroad, your SIM needs to connect to our network in the UK before you travel. This is easy to do. Simply put your SIM into your phone, turn it on, and wait until it connects to our network or you see signal bars appear. Then you’re good to go.
Using Pay As You Go data in a Go Roam destination
If you’re travelling to any of our Go Roam in Europe or Go Roam Around the World destinations, you can use either your credit or a portion of your Data Pack or Add-on each month, at no extra cost. The amount of data you can use will depend on your Data Pack or Add-on.
Pay As You Go roaming allowances
From 8 September 2024, if you have an active Data Pack or Add-on, you can take advantage of our incredible new roaming allowances.
Data Packs
All include:
Go Roam in Europe: unlimited voice & texts
Go Roam around the world: 3000 mins & 3000 texts
£10 Data Pack
6GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
£15 Data Pack
12GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
£20 Data Pack
18GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
£25 Data Pack
24GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
£35 Data Pack
30GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
£90 Value Data Pack
30GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance per month
Data Add-ons
Important: You must have an active Data Pack on your account before buying a Data Add-on.
10GB Data Boost £12
10GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
6GB Data Boost £8
6GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
3GB Data Boost £5
3GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
Unlimited Data Boost 14 day £20
18GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
Unlimited Data Boost 1 day £5
5GB Inclusive Roaming Allowance
Roaming with an Auto-renew Data Pack?
Set up a £10 Auto-renew Data Pack before 8 September 2024? You can still use up to 12GB of your data allowance while roaming in Go Roam in Europe or Go Roam Around the World destinations.
Set up a £10 Auto-renew Data Pack after 8 September 2024? You can use up to 6GB of your data allowance while roaming in Go Roam in Europe or Go Roam Around the World destinations.
For all other Auto-renew Data Packs, the amount of data you can use while roaming in any Go Roam in Europe or Go Roam Around the World destinations will increase to the roaming allowances above. This will happen automatically, you don’t need to do anything.
The amount of data you can use depends on the price of your Auto-renew Data Pack as standard before any additional data or discounts are added. So, for example, a 10% discounted £13.50 Auto-renew Data Pack includes 12GB of Inclusive Roaming Allowance.
Calling and texting in a Go Roam destination
Go Roam in Europe
If you’ve got an active Data Pack or Add-on you can use all of your UK call and text allowances while roaming in a Go Roam in Europe destination.
Go Roam Around the World
If you’re in a Go Roam Around the World destination, and have more than 3000 texts included in your allowance, you can send up to 3000 texts back to the UK each month.
And if you’ve got more than 3000 minutes included in your allowance, you can use up to 3000 minutes to call standard UK landlines or mobile numbers each month.
For more information, please check our Pay As You Go price guide.
Buying Data Packs and Add-ons
Want to make your credit go further? Data Packs give you the best value with no commitment and the freedom to cancel any time. Plus, get extra data on us when you set up auto-renew selected Data Packs.
You can buy your Data Pack or Add-on by logging into My3 or using the Three app.