Bring your number to Three

Three Business customer? Go to the business switching form.

Please enter your details below:

Apologies something went wrong in the form submission. Please try again.

It looks like you’ve already given us your switching details. If you're wondering why your transfer hasn't happened, or want to make a change, check out our FAQs.
Switching to Three using a PAC

More FAQs
Switching to Three using a STAC

Sorry, your PAC / STAC code will have expired by then. Please select an earlier date for your switch or contact your older provider for a new code.

We couldn't verify your phone number or PAC / STAC code. Please check you've entered them correctly and try again or contact us for more help.

We are unable to complete the port in request using this form. Please get in touch. 
Business customers:
Non business customers:

We are unable to complete the port in request using this form. Please get in touch. 
Business customers:
Non business customers:

We are unable to complete the port in request using this form. Please get in touch. 
Business customers:
Non business customers:

We are unable to complete the port in request using this form. Please get in touch. 
Business customers:
Non business customers:

We can’t find that mobile number, please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

We couldn't verify your phone number or PAC / STAC code. Please check you've entered them correctly and try again or contact us for more help.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Oops, looks like a technical problem. Please try again.

Please complete the details below.

    The number that comes with your new Three SIM.

    Please re-type your Three number.

    The phone number you want to bring to Three.

    Get this code from your current provider. It should look a bit like this: ABC123456.

    The earliest available date is automatically selected above, but you can also pick any working day within the next 30 days if you prefer. Bear in mind that Bank Holidays can’t be chosen, and some other dates may be unavailable.


    Switching your services
    Before we can switch your services to Three, we need to confirm you understand what this means.

    Your existing provider will have sent you important information about the impact the switch will have on your services with them. This will cover any charges you’ll need to pay or refunds you’re due.

    Our support pages have more information about our switching process. This includes information about your right to compensation if there’s a delay. These details are also in the pre-sales contract information. 

    We’ll keep a record of this consent, in line with regulations.