If you’re receiving paper bills, Contact us or call us free on 337 from your Three Business phone to switch to eBills.
What's in my first bill?
About your first bill
We’ll send you your first bill within 7-10 days, and if you have the Three app you'll be able to access it there.
If you’ve set up a Direct Debit, we’ll take payment from your account around 19 days later, but it could be up to 30 days. Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay.
What’s included in your first bill
Your first bill will be slightly higher than future bills, as you'll be making a payment for the initial 2-9 days before your billing date arrives. This allows you to use your phone straight away.
You'll also pay your line rental a month in advance, plus anything used outside of your allowance.
Your initial bill will show you a full breakdown of each of these charges. The coloured squares shown in the calendar are only example dates.
For a comprehensive breakdown of your bill, go to Your bill explained.

Track billing online with a Three Business Account
With a Three Business Account, the primary account holder can log in and view a breakdown of their bill. Or you can download the Three app to keep track of your bills and payments, plus much more.
Manage your mobile spend with Three Analyst
Three Analyst comes as standard with our Three Business Adapt plans, or you can buy it as an Add-on to other selected Three Business plans. It’s an online tool that enables you to keep track of the mobile spend of your whole team, with bill analytics at your fingertips. Find out more in the video below.
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